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The physical and mental health benefits of our green spaces were celebrated at the annual Green Flag Awards in Lisburn. The green heroes from 11 council areas across Northern Ireland, Queens University, Belfast, and the Department of Finance were recognised today for the pivotal work they do in maintaining the spaces for the public to run, walk, and spend family time in.

This year, the focus of the awards is celebrating the physical and mental health benefits that we get from using our local parks and green spaces. The awards are taking place during Love Parks Week, which runs from 26th July to 4th August 2024, which highlights the role green spaces play in boosting the health and wellbeing of residents and communities.

Our guest speaker, Dr. William Bird MBE, knows first-hand the benefits of a strong park network. Dr Bird has pioneered the concept of social prescribing by setting up the first Health Walk scheme, closely followed by the first Green Gym. He quickly found that companionship and contact with nature were major driving forces in keeping people active. The Green Flag programme sets international standards for our parks to strive toward and the record number of awards this year speaks directly to the high standards that the public can enjoy locally and their importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

112 awards were presented this year to parks and open spaces including 71 Green Flags, 34 community Green Flags and 7 Heritage Awards.

The Green Flag Award is an internationally recognised certification for environmental quality management for parks and open spaces and is increasingly sought after in Northern Ireland since the local programme opened in 2008.

Carol Forster Head of Business Development of Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful which manages the local Green Flag Awards programme, said;

“Prioritising parks and open spaces is vital for our future and so we are delighted to see a milestone 105 sites in Northern Ireland meeting the required standards, representing over 4% of the sites globally achieving the prestigious international Green Flag award. These spaces provide vital opportunities to improve the physical and mental health of communities, provide havens for biodiversity, offer spaces where people can connect with nature and are a critical component of our green infrastructure. On behalf of Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, I offer my congratulations to all of the park staff and community volunteers who devote much time and care to maintain these spaces for us all to enjoy. I want to encourage everyone this summer to take the opportunity to visit some of our beautiful green flag sites and enjoy these gems on our doorstep here in Northern Ireland”

The Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Minister, Andrew Muir MLA, said;

I am proud to support the Green Flags for Parks Awards programme and it is encouraging to see the increase in the number of parks providing quality green spaces that can be accessed by citizens and visitors alike. Our local parks provide a direct and vital link to our natural environment giving us all the opportunity to spend time outside in the fresh air and re-connect with nature. Our parks not only provide us with healthy spaces to live and relax, they also provide green corridors between wildlife-rich habitats, contributing to the wider nature recovery network that supports all our efforts to make Northern Ireland 'nature positive’.

Congratulations to the award winners today and I thank you for your tireless work that allows us all to fully enjoy the fantastic physical and mental health benefits offered by our parks and green spaces.

Notes to Editors

To view the full list of Green Flag Award winners for Northern Ireland, visit www.keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org/greenflagaward.

The 30 under 30 programme is celebrating our second cohort, finishing this year with some impressive projects. Thirty young people across Northern Ireland have come together since February 2024 to develop their ideas to help fight the climate emergency. 30 Under 30 is helping make these ideas a reality by connecting ambitious and energetic young people with one another. Each idea is another critical piece of the jigsaw in helping Northern Ireland fight against the climate emergency. Projects ranged from sustainable tourism to raising awareness of light pollution. This year's cohort will now develop these projects, bringing important benefits to their communities and our society.

This year's cohort, with the invaluable support of our partners Podiem, have completed six workshops. These workshops, focusing on purpose-driven leadership, teamwork, and impact, have been instrumental in shaping the ideas of our young leaders. The support from our partners and sponsors is a crucial part of the puzzle in our fight against the climate emergency, and we are deeply grateful for their contribution.

The 30 Under 30 Northern Ireland Climate Change-Makers programme is a beacon of hope, designed to unearth, inspire, and equip 30 leaders under the age of 30 who can play a pivotal role in shaping a better climate future for Northern Ireland and beyond. 30 under 30 draws on the international EE 30 Under 30 initiative introduced by the North American Association for Environmental Education.

The programme, delivered by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and Podiem, and funded by Coca-Cola, Ulster Garden Villages, Danske Bank, Belfast City Council and Pinsent Masons is a testament to the power of collective action and the potential of our youth to make a difference.

Speaking about the success of the 2024 cohort, the Environmental Leadership & Awards Programme Manager, Jenna Potter said,

“Following the success of our pilot last year, we had high expectations for the class of 2024, and they did not disappoint. Having attended all six workshops, seeing the growth of the ideas, the depth of the connections all of them have made, and the enthusiasm has been incredible. I want to congratulate everyone who has participated this year, and I am excited to see their next steps.”

“The quality of the young people we are sourcing and the ideas generated demonstrates the importance of the 30 under 30 programme to Northern Ireland’s fight against the climate emergency. I want to thank our partners Podiem and the support from Coca-Cola, Ulster Garden Villages Danske Bank, Belfast City Council and Pinsent Masons for helping make this happen.”

David McCann   Mon 01 Jul 2024   updated: Tue 02 Jul 2024

The Eco-Schools programme, a renowned global initiative led by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) that aims to create environmental awareness and action, is celebrating its 30th anniversary in Northern Ireland. The milestone was marked with a celebration event at Stranmillis University College this week with over 500 people attending including teachers and pupils. Established in 1994 to involve young people in finding solutions to environmental and sustainable development challenges, the programme is operated locally by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and supported by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), local authorities and a range of other partners.

Northern Ireland’s record of success in the programme over the last three decades is significant. The Green Flag, an international accreditation for the environmental education and performance of schools, has been awarded to 2253 schools across the region to date. Northern Ireland was also the first in the world to award a Green Flag to one of its schools - Downpatrick Nursery in 1994. The 1000th Green Flag was awarded to Walker Memorial Primary School in Dungannon in 2017.

Over the course of the two-day event, supported by RiverRidge and Translink, a variety of awards were presented to schools, recognising their outstanding achievements in environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

The Green Flag Awards accredited and reaccredited schools with Green Flag Status, whilst the Wheelie Big Challenge Awards funded by Antrim and Newtownabbey Council, Belfast City Council, Mid and East Antrim Council, Lisburn and Castlereagh Council and Natural World Products was given to schools with strong waste management initiatives.

The Eco-School of the year Award was sponsored by Nexus, whilst the Eco-Teacher of the Year and the Eco-Pupil of the Year was sponsored by Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE). Pupils who participated in the international Young Reporters from the Environment (YRE) programme were also acknowledged.

Carol Forster, Head of Business Development at Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful said, “Our journey over the past 30 years has been remarkable. I commend our schools across Northern Ireland for their steadfast commitment in inspiring young people to care for the world around them. We’ve seen countless young people grow into environmentally conscious citizens, equipped with the knowledge and passion to make a difference.

“The Eco-Schools programme aligns with our wider organisational vision. We believe that through education, engagement and empowerment, we can change behaviours so that everyone can enjoy a beautiful, resilient, and healthy environment.

“This event not only serves as a platform to celebrate our continued achievements, but also as an urgent reminder on how important it is to continue to inspire and invest in our youth to ensure that future generations actively participate in environmental stewardship. We’re grateful to all our partners for their continued support and strongly encourage more schools to join the programme to give every child in Northern Ireland the opportunity to get involved.”

Rob Belt, Eco-Coordinator at Bessbrook Primary School who has been delivering his school’s programme, said, “Eco-Schools has changed how our young people see and engage with their environment. It integrates environmental awareness and action into all fabrics of day-to-day school life. Retaining our Green Flag status is tremendously important to our school as it is the benchmark that tells us we’re doing good by our students and by the environment.”

A key highlight of the anniversary event was the launch of Generation Nature – a new outdoor learning demonstration site at Stranmillis University College which will provide trainee teachers with the hands-on experience and practical skills essential for continuing the success of the Eco-Schools programme. The project has been developed in partnership with the college and is supported by Energia’s Greener Possibilities Fund.

Dr David McKee at Stranmillis University College said, “It's essential we continue to integrate environmental education into teacher training in Northern Ireland, to ensure that new teachers are equipped with the tools and the knowledge needed to strengthen our collective performance in Eco-Schools. Generation Nature will play an essential role in this endeavour – it’s a wonderful addition to the teacher training experience.”

Leo McKillion of RiverRidge, Northern Ireland’s leading waste and resource management company said, “We were delighted to be involved in this event. It is vital that we continue to both educate and listen to the next generation as we all strive to live in a more sustainable world. RiverRidge believes that schools play a key role in changing the environment by reducing waste and treating it as a valuable resource. Let’s keep working together to spread the word and change behaviour.”

For more information, please visit www.eco-schoolsni.org

The Eco-Schools programme, a renowned global initiative led by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) that aims to create environmental awareness and action, is celebrating its 30th anniversary in Northern Ireland. The milestone was marked with a celebration event at Stranmillis University College this week with over 500 people attending including teachers and pupils. Established in 1994 to involve young people in finding solutions to environmental and sustainable development challenges, the programme is operated locally by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and supported by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), local authorities and a range of other partners.

Northern Ireland’s record of success in the programme over the last three decades is significant. The Green Flag, an international accreditation for the environmental education and performance of schools, has been awarded to 2253 schools across the region to date. Northern Ireland was also the first in the world to award a Green Flag to one of its schools - Downpatrick Nursery in 1994. The 1000th Green Flag was awarded to Walker Memorial Primary School in Dungannon in 2017.

Over the course of the two-day event, supported by RiverRidge and Translink, a variety of awards were presented to schools, recognising their outstanding achievements in environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

The Green Flag Awards accredited and reaccredited schools with Green Flag Status, whilst the Wheelie Big Challenge Awards funded by Antrim and Newtownabbey Council, Belfast City Council, Mid and East Antrim Council, Lisburn and Castlereagh Council and Natural World Products was given to schools with strong waste management initiatives.

The Eco-School of the year Award was sponsored by Nexus, whilst the Eco-Teacher of the Year and the Eco-Pupil of the Year was sponsored by Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE). Pupils who participated in the international Young Reporters from the Environment (YRE) programme were also acknowledged.

Carol Forster, Head of Business Development at Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful said, “Our journey over the past 30 years has been remarkable. I commend our schools across Northern Ireland for their steadfast commitment in inspiring young people to care for the world around them. We’ve seen countless young people grow into environmentally conscious citizens, equipped with the knowledge and passion to make a difference.

“The Eco-Schools programme aligns with our wider organisational vision. We believe that through education, engagement and empowerment, we can change behaviours so that everyone can enjoy a beautiful, resilient, and healthy environment.

“This event not only serves as a platform to celebrate our continued achievements, but also as an urgent reminder on how important it is to continue to inspire and invest in our youth to ensure that future generations actively participate in environmental stewardship. We’re grateful to all our partners for their continued support and strongly encourage more schools to join the programme to give every child in Northern Ireland the opportunity to get involved.”

Rob Belt, Eco-Coordinator at Bessbrook Primary School who has been delivering his school’s programme, said, “Eco-Schools has changed how our young people see and engage with their environment. It integrates environmental awareness and action into all fabrics of day-to-day school life. Retaining our Green Flag status is tremendously important to our school as it is the benchmark that tells us we’re doing good by our students and by the environment.”

A key highlight of the anniversary event was the launch of Generation Nature – a new outdoor learning demonstration site at Stranmillis University College which will provide trainee teachers with the hands-on experience and practical skills essential for continuing the success of the Eco-Schools programme. The project has been developed in partnership with the college and is supported by Energia’s Greener Possibilities Fund.

Dr David McKee at Stranmillis University College said, “It's essential we continue to integrate environmental education into teacher training in Northern Ireland, to ensure that new teachers are equipped with the tools and the knowledge needed to strengthen our collective performance in Eco-Schools. Generation Nature will play an essential role in this endeavour – it’s a wonderful addition to the teacher training experience.”

Leo McKillion of RiverRidge, Northern Ireland’s leading waste and resource management company said, “We were delighted to be involved in this event. It is vital that we continue to both educate and listen to the next generation as we all strive to live in a more sustainable world. RiverRidge believes that schools play a key role in changing the environment by reducing waste and treating it as a valuable resource. Let’s keep working together to spread the word and change behaviour.”

For more information, please visit www.eco-schoolsni.org

Northern Ireland has already lost opportunities afforded by the Northern Ireland Climate Act to tackle the climate emergency due to Stormont being suspended for two years and the consequent lack of resources. Meeting targets to reduce emissions will be incredibly challenging, and changing behaviour to enable that will be even more difficult.

Yet it is critical that we put our best foot forward and make sure that we have the right frameworks in place at both UK-wide and Northern Ireland levels and that the resources to properly implement the necessary changes are available.

Northern Ireland cannot operate in isolation; it needs to work with the UK government, the Irish government, and the governments in the other devolved regions. It is critical that in the next mandate our Members of Parliament press for this cooperation and ensure that Northern Ireland is properly resourced in its efforts to fight the climate emergency. In this election, the climate and environment must be a top priority for our politicians, not just during the campaign but for the years ahead. If we take the right actions,

A Better Tomorrow is possible.

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Get Ready For Plastic Free July 2024

Maria McLaughlin    Wed 05 Jun 2024

Plastic Free July 2024 Helpful Tips!

Trying to cut down on single-use plastic or cut plastic usage out altogether why not…

• Buy less - avoid disposable products and single-use packaging.

• Do a Bin Audit - Are you recycling, composting, or avoiding waste correctly?

• Coffee cups - Bring or borrow a reusable coffee cup or dine-in at your local café.

• Water bottles- BYO reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic ones.

• Reusable shopping bags - Bring your own shopping bags and help reduce plastic waste.

• Loose produce - Find plastic free alternatives when buying fruit & veg as well as baked goods such as rolls and pastries.

• Meat, fish & deli- Avoid the plastic trays used for meat, fish and deli items.

• Cleaning - Avoid using cleaning products packaged in single-use plastic.

• Laundry - Simple laundry choices can keep clothes smelling fresh while helping to reduce microplastics.

• Food Storage - Use alternatives to cling wrap and reduce plastic pollution.

• Dental care - Plastic-free toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss.

• Sanitary items - Alternatives to tampons and pads for a plastic free period.

• Soap - Swap liquid soap for bar soaps and avoid single-use plastic.

• Shaving -Swap disposable razors for reusable alternatives.

Find your tribe – at home, school or work and spread the word!

Sign up to commit to reducing single-use plastic https://bit.ly/4atzcQQ

The local winners of the international Blue Flag Award and the UK-wide Seaside Award have been revealed for 2024. 

Five council areas have been rewarded for their work in maintaining environmental excellence. 

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful announced that 9 beaches and 7 marinas earned the prestigious Blue Flag Award distinction after meeting world-class standards in criteria such as safety, accessibility, cleanliness, environmental education and, for beaches, water quality. 

The local success does not end with the Blue Flag. A further 6 beaches received Seaside Awards, the UK’s mark of quality that ensures visitors are guaranteed to find a clean, safe, attractive, and well-managed coastal stretch. 

Dr Ian Humphreys, CEO of Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful said: 

‘We are incredibly pleased to see so many local beaches and marinas have been successful at this year’s awards. Each flag shows the public that these are sites worth visiting and cherishing. Keeping our beaches tidy is essential to our environmental and economic future. 

I want to thank the many workers across winning sites who helped make this happen. Their work is critically important in making Northern Ireland a place with the best European beaches and marinas.’ 

The Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Andrew Muir said: “I am delighted that once again so many of Northern Ireland’s beaches have received the coveted Blue Flag and Seaside Awards, and that our first-class marinas have also been recognised. These awards are a testament to the hard work and dedication of those who manage our beaches. The awards let our citizens and people around the world know that Northern Ireland is open for business and that our beaches and marinas are clean, well-managed and safe to enjoy.” 

Mayors from across councils, and beach and marina operators were invited to collect the awards at a presentation ceremony at the Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle, on 7th May. The occasion was organised by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, who manage the accreditations locally.  

This year’s awards ceremony was sponsored by the Slieve Donard Hotel, and supported by DAERA. 

The award-winning locations will now have their respective flags in place for the Northern Ireland bathing season, which runs from 01 June to 15 September. 

Notes to editors

Blue Flag Beach Award winners – Benone Beach, Castlerock Beach, Cranfield Bay, Downhill Strand, Murlough Beach, Portrush East Strand Beach, Portrush West Strand Beach, Tyrella Beach, Whiterocks Beach. 

Blue Flag Marina Award winners –Ballycastle Marina, Ballyronan Marina, Bangor Marina, Belfast Harbour Marina; Coleraine Marina, Portrush Harbour and Marina, Rathlin Marina. 

Seaside Award winners – Ballycastle Beach, Ballywalter South Beach, Cloughey Beach, Groomsport Beach, Millisle Beach, Waterfoot

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful is a charity working towards the vision of a world where people and nature thrive, by running environmental-education programmes and awareness-raising campaigns, increasing volunteering opportunities and reporting on local environmental quality. Programmes include the national civic-pride campaign Live Here Love Here, Tackling Plastic NI, Tackling Textiles, Carbon Literacy training, and local environmental quality programmes, such as Eco-Schools NI, Blue Flag Award, Seaside Award, Green Flag Award, Cleaner Neighbourhoods and Marine Litter surveys. For more information, visit www.keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org. 

DAERA Marine and Fisheries Division monitors Northern Ireland’s bathing water quality during the bathing season, which runs from 1 June through 15 September. During this time, water quality is assessed on 20 different occasions at each location.  The DAERA water quality assessment is used to determine which award is applicable.  The Blue Flag requires ‘Excellent’ status whereas the Seaside Award requires at least ‘Sufficient’ under the Bathing Water Regulations. 

Tackling Plastic in Sport

Maria McLaughlin    Wed 01 May 2024

Plastic pollution impacts all walks of life: climate change, wildlife and human health and generates lots of waste. While plastic can be useful it’s the overuse and disposal that causes problems. Sport has the unrivalled ability to motivate and inspire large numbers of people. You have the opportunity to stop plastic in sport – it will be a complete game changer!

To find out more go to: https://bit.ly/3wiotde

The maiden voyage of Dundrum Coastal Rowing Clubs new marine litter boat took place last Saturday 9th March 2024.

This new boat will allow for the recovery of litter in areas of Dundrum Bay that cannot be safely reached by foot. Speaking about the project funded by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful. Cathal Ó hÍr from Dundrum Coastal Rowing Club said, “We are delighted to have been awarded funding for the shallow draft boat, which will allow us to carry out regular clean ups along Dundrum Bay and its four contributing rivers. This boat will provide access to areas not safely reachable from land. This will help, not only to improve the shoreline in terms of biodiversity and aesthetics, but also the health and wellbeing of our local community. We will also be able to carry out educational awareness projects demonstrating how marine litter can damage our beautiful area and how with this boat we can alleviate this harm”.

Chris Gourley, Waste and Pollutions Solution Strategic Lead at Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful says, “This grant scheme is designed to reduce the environmental impact of litter on our marine eco systems. We have been delighted with the diverse range of innovative projects this year which want to tackle waste entering the marine environment as well as removing what is already there. Marine litter is a global challenge, affecting the world’s oceans, seas, coastlines and shores. A wide range of material such as plastics, metals and glass end up in our marine environments and these all decompose very slowly if at all. The most commonly found litter is plastic.”

Photo Caption: from left Orla McGrady Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, members of Dundrum Coastal Rowing Club - Cathal Ó hír, Adrian Mullan, Andrew Boyd (club chair) and Robert Graham.